Kingston Peninsula Heritage
Those interested in becoming members of Peninsula Heritage can stop by the John Fisher Memorial Museum during business hours and fill out an application, or fill it out below. $20 per person, or $30 per family.
Our Locations of Operation
Virtual Exhibit
Visit our virtual exhibit "New Brunswick's MacDonald Consolidated School" at the Digital Museum of Canada. This exhibit explores the fascinating history of New Brunswick's first consolidated school, which is still a functioning school and houses the John Fisher Memorial Museum in the basement!
About Us
With the generous support of the local community, Kingston Peninsula Heritage aims to preserve and share the rich history of the Kingston Peninsula, and engage with the community. We currently operate out of the John Fisher Memorial Museum, 1810 Carter House, Cedars Lighthouse, and the Moss Glen Nature Trail.
Get Involved
If you are interested in getting involved with Peninsula Heritage, find us on Facebook by clicking the Facebook logo or email us at There are many volunteer opportunities available.
Kingston Peninsula Heritage is supported by:
Canada Summer Jobs Program.
Young Canada Works
Canadian Museum Association
National Trust for Canada
Tourism Heritage & Culture